Laxis for 
Industry & Market Researcher

Better understand your customers, competitors, and suppliers by having Laxis transcribe focus groups and in-depth interviews for you, letting you focus on the conversations and identify key insights

market researcher
Triangle with cautious

The Problem

Market research is critical for organizations to solve problems; however, these discussions generate long audio files and many pages of notes. Finding the "aha" moment can be a challenge.
lightblub with a key

The Solution

Market research is critical for organizations to solve problems; however, these discussions generate long audio files and many pages of notes. Finding the "aha" moment can be a challenge.
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Engage in the research

Automating notetaking allows researchers to have deeper conversations with subjects generating more insights.

Create central knowledge base

With Laxis, a centralized repository of all quotations and insights for a particular research project is easy to capture and maintain.

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LAXIS product shot

Find insights across interviews

Automatically tag conversations and quotes based on personalized templates and user-defined keywords, and have Laxis bring those key insights together.

Capture customer
conversation insight.
Try for free