Laxis for Sales

Let Laxis AI Meeting Assistant take notes during sales calls. Then put AI to work with our LaxisChat and Laxis AI Writer, to surface insights and automate post-meeting follow up, including meeting summaries and action items for the team.

Triangle with cautious

The Problem

Sales teams need to be attentive in customer meetings, but also extract the insights from those customer conversations to better understand customer needs and pain points. During sales calls, it’s difficult to take notes while concentrating on the conversation, and reviewing the manual transcript afterwards is time consuming.
lightblub with a key

The Solution

Laxis AI Meeting Assistant provides the tools to allow you to interact more in meetings, but still capture every detail for follow up and surface insights from every conversation.
Automatic Note Taking Shot

Automatic Note Taking

Laxis AI Meeting Assistant automatically takes meeting notes for you so you can focus on the conversation instead of scrambling to take notes. Automates audio upload and issues AI-based smart summaries that can be distributed to the team.

Glean insights into customer sentiment quickly

You can add topics and keywords to your personalized meeting template, and Laxis Intelligent Meeting Assistant will use these data points to extract the relevant information from each conversation for you.

Insights and templates
AI Meeting Followups

AI meeting follow-up

Use Laxis AI Writer to automatically generate and distribute follow-up emails, meeting summaries, customer requirements, action items, and project updates.

Capture customer
conversation insight.
Try for free